Tigra is not a Kitty


The best way to filter the information is to ignore it for a few weeks or months and then listen to the experts who have already summed it up. Or is it better to try to draw conclusions yourself?

- I’m the person who invited a friend to a casting call for a project I dreamed of and she became a superstar, and I went home to live my ordinary life, said Alice, looking at the news about celebrity accomplishments

A scene from Titanic. I am like Rose, lying on the iron bow, the ship is sinking rapidly underwater and I watch as the people who just a second ago were hanging on the iron structures of the once beautiful ship are plummeting and flying down. I hold on and think of a plan to save myself. She’s so beautiful, successful, she was smiling in all the pictures and videos, how could she commit suicide? It’s a worldwide misconception that big boobs and smiling in viral videos are contraindications to suicide. Don’t throw cheese at me, but I used to think mental health was something on the unemployed and out of boredom and spoiled, too. Like no sadness, make up sadness and suffer for joy. Anxiety disorder and depression have taught me to understand those who hang on the rail and those who go off the rails. It’s not a choice, it’s strange given that you didn’t ask for, don’t want, or deserve, but there it is, like a red huge pimple before a long-awaited date in the most prominent place, live with it or die with your luck. We don’t have to be perfect. We don’t even have to be nearly perfect. Depression, anxiety, depersonalization. Every self-respecting person possesses at least one of these. I have suffered enough, I have sacrificed enough. I want everything I want right now. I wrote this and started laughing hysterically.

- I don’t believe you, standing behind a closed door with a knife I said, I was 12 years old and saved

Violence News from MetaVerse. A girl who didn’t have time to turn on her defense mode was gang-raped. Reaction? What’s there to react to, it’s not real, it’s all a joke, bullshit? Ha ha ha ha. Unfortunately, most people face emotional or physical abuse in their lives and it’s not normal, it’s not a joke and it’s not delusional. Why then is it a joke in MetaVerse? This is not a movie where the script is read and agreed to by all the characters. It’s real-time, way, and not in the real universe. What about porn? Where millions jerk off to videos. Even though it’s on a curve, it’s an accepted script here too. It’s not a home video. It’s a public product with a clear purpose. There is a person and there are boundaries, moral boundaries, spoken and unspoken. She didn’t, didn’t have time to put a defense on herself, so she wants it, so you have to seize the moment and take from the moment all that is permitted. Wrong answer, a strange question. The right question is: Why do you have to violate someone else’s boundaries? Why is it necessary to touch someone’s boobs or ass? Why are sick desires seen as the norm? On the plus side, in MetaVerse you at least have the opportunity to put up a defense, in the real world, you’re just a naked target for sick jerks, even if outwardly they look like gallant knights of the king and queen. And no matter how you negotiate with your psyche later that it’s not your fault, that it’s the fault of the person who’s clearly not okay and it’s their responsibility for their choices, you still feel like crumpled toilet paper flying downwind in the street looking for an answer, why me? So pulling out the black plastic bags Alice continued to sing the song loudly while neighbors looked out the windows and judgingly waited for retribution. Raging beast, my lord. My cradle is your abode. And now you’re ready to make sure of it, bad girl.

- What’s going on? asked the cashier at the gas station after a group of young men refused to pay and pulled out balloons

- Mercury retrograde is over, replied the little girl and walked out of the crowd of guys with balloons

When a man seeks, it happens that his eye sees only what he seeks, and he is unable to find anything, unable to perceive anything, because he always thinks only of what he seeks, has a goal, is obsessed by this goal. To seek is to have a goal. And to find is to be free, wide open, without a goal. You are indeed a seeker, for when you seek your goal, you do not see what is right in front of your eyes. You search too much; because of too much searching, you don’t have time to find. Hermann Hesse



newsletter CHILLOSOPHY by Anya Yang

CHILLOSOPHY of a Girl who creates scripts for a video games. IG anxietysponsor